Personal shift — to being fully human

According to traditional wisdom, the human being is said to be a microcosm of the macrocosm, meaning that the constitution or pattern of the human mirrors or recapitulates the pattern of the cosmos as a whole, fractal-fashion.

Seen in terms of cosmosophy – in terms of the octaves or levels of the vertical dimension – the fully realised human being is seen to contain the same seven ordering levels as the cosmos itself.

This, of course, makes no sense if the human is conceived of as a biological machine. It cannot make sense without the concept of an inner self in the driving seat of the biological body.

Coming to a realisation that this is possible requires a process of personal change, a personal transition, a shift to a new worldview which involves a deep change of outlook and belief, a change of heart and ultimately a transformation of consciousness.

This type of deep change was named metanoia by the ancient Greeks and translated as “repentance” in the Christian Bible.


In greater depth: personal shift

…recovering from Newton – the cultural trance – evolution of consciousness – openness to change – beliefs can be consciously changed – flips of perception – opening to source – expansion of awareness – experiential understanding – growth of the inner self…

(more content coming soon)

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