The natural world, the world of living beings, is organised ecosystemically. Each living being has a specialised function within the ecosystem, determined by its identity. The whole system builds positive synergy as each living being contributes its unique activity to the eco-community and is simultaneously supported by the activity of every other member of the ecosystem.
This same principle can work in a human social context too. Once freedom from hierarchical power structures is achieved – following a successful outcome to the undeclared global ‘war of liberation’ that has been raging – ecosystemic principles can be applied to the economy and governance structure of society.
Ecosystems can be seen as biological, social and spiritual – and in the new era the world can be organized by the qualities and powers of these levels of the vertical dimension. The energetic and purposive signature of each ‘quality of power’ of the vertical dimension becomes the basis of organizing human society in harmony with nature and the cosmos.
This inner and outer integration marks the beginning of an era of applied spiritual-scientific understanding.
The powers in nature
…ecosystems – mutuality – needs-meeting cycles – spiritual nature reflected in biological nature – a built-in organisational pattern – our human function – the vertical dimension – quantum wave ontology – levels as octaves – superposition – vibrational form and the Chladni demonstration – morphogenic creativity…
(more content coming soon)