An era of “real magic” hyper-technology
In the 1950s, science fiction writers imagined a futuristic world of high technology which seemingly failed to happen. This was not a failure of futuristic vision, but a deliberate withholding of technologies that already existed, on the grounds of national security.
Technologies that could have been released for the betterment of human life were instead diverted into secret resources for warfare. Now, in the 2020s, formerly classified technologies may finally see the light of day. Star Trek-style spaceships, levitating cars, boundless energy, and electro-technologies for healing could transform everyday life.
But the real significance of this sci-fi world is not how advanced it is, but that it would be accompanied by a shift in the philosophy and ethics of science. Quantum physics is already pushing open the door to a new metaphysics of science and reality. And the gross misuse of science in the closing years of modernity will lead to fundamental ethical reform. New norms for the understanding and use of science will be an integral part of the emerging worldview, and this new responsibility will itself open the door to an era of truly advanced science.
Note: the “sci-phi” tag implies the combination of sci-fi technology plus a new philosophy of science.
Explore in more depth
…major advances in science – science-fictional technologies – modern physics is a challenge to the modern worldview – quantum theory is post-materialistic – quantum phenomena are the stuff of magic – new philosophy of science – the importance of metaphysics to science – new ethics for science – future spiritual-scientific theory…
(more content coming soon)