Galactic connection
After decades of denial and speculation, the reality of civilisations on other planets and star systems is about to become undeniable. The long-awaited disclosure will come not from governments, who have failed their populations in this regard, but by the interstellar visitors themselves, once the hidden ‘war of liberation’ on our planet creates safe conditions for them to openly reveal their presence.
Far from being the hostile invaders of science fiction, it will turn out that the majority of these other star-worlds are high civilisations able and willing to assist human development once we get beyond incredulity and fear.
Just as human societies around the planet were shaped and reshaped by contact with each other during the historic past, in the future, planetary human society will be shaped by contact with societies from planets in other solar systems.
Over the remaining years of this century, our new civilisation will open up to interstellar society, and will find its place and define itself in relation to this contact.
Explore in more depth
…ET disclosure already underway – governmental contact with advanced interstellar civilizations – Haim Eshed’s 2020 book – a protective Galactic Federation – the Prime Directive – exopolitics – experiencer testimony – prelude to open contact – ET spiritual wisdom linked to advanced technologies…
(more content coming soon)